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Codenvy setup to demo applications using Docker: Java EE 7 with Angular

posted by Roberto Cortez on

Development tools have been evolving over the last few years. Github revolutionized the way we share and contribute code between projects. Docker made distributions of applications much easier by allowing you to provide an environment for your application to run. Both these technologies simplified the distributions of your applications, but there is still a pain point. Developers that want to tap into your source, edit and build it still have a hard time to set up all the tools. I believe that Codenvy might be the tool to fill this gap.

CodenvyWhat is Codenvy? Codenvy is an IDE in the cloud. You can use it to view, edit, build and deploy code. All of this with just a browser. Codenvy integrates closely with Github and Docker and here is when things become interesting. This allows you to set up an environment that you can share with anyone. Why is this interesting? I already had a few readers asking me for help to set up their environments because they struggle to do it themselves. Several combinations of IDE’s and Operating Systems make the task difficult. Maybe there is another way.

My application about Java EE 7 and Angular is probably the most popular I have. I’ve decided to provide it in Codenvy to hopefully make it easier for all of you that want to try the application out.


After you signed up for Codenvy, you can easily create a new project by pointing your working sources to a git repository. In this case we are going to use, of course the Java EE 7 with Angular Github repository. You might need to specify to Codenvy that this is a Maven project. If everything was setup properly, you should get something similar to this:

Codenvy - JavaEE 7 Angular Project

In the IDE window, you can browse the code with syntax highlighting and basic code completion. You can also build the project with maven, if you use the Build menu.


Checking the code is nice, but we are more interested in actually running the code. Codenvy uses a preset of Docker containers to cover a large number of application servers and environments. There can be found in the Runners tab. Unfortunately, there is no Runner provided for Wildfly and the Glassfish one, doesn’t come with the required database. I’ve ended up by writing my own Docker container to provide a custom made Runner for the Java EE 7 Angular sample application. Here are the Dockerfiles:

Codenvy Wildfly Dockerfile

This Dockerfile is just to set up the environment needed to run the application. Add Java and Wildfly to the base Codenvy container.

Codenvy JavaEE 7 Angular Application Dockerfile

This Dockerfile is to map the source code available in Codenvy to a folder in the Docker container. In this way, we can then deploy the code to an application server.

Don’t bother too much about this. Codenvy will import into the project the Dockerfiles that are stored at the project structure in .codenvy/runners/environments/[NAME]. Since I added my runner to the project sources, this will be imported automatically.

Run the Application

To run the application, just press the Play button in the top right corner. You should see the log of the container starting up and also an url at the bottom. This url is the one you need to use to access the application.

Codenvy - JavaEE 7 Angular Runner

And that’s it! You can now play with the application! You even have a Terminal at your disposal.

Sharing the environment

It was easy to set up the environment here, but wouldn’t it be cool if we could just share it with other people? You could do that by using Factories. Just import your Codenvy project into a Factory and you have available an url to share, which will set up everything for you. So, to access the Java EE 7 Angular application, please use:

A few problems

Unfortunately, I’ve also encountered a few problems when I was setting up the environment.

  • The code does not get updated in the mapped folder of the running container. If you make changes to the code, you need to restart the container. Even if they are just HTML or Javascript changes for instance.
  • In Safari the Runner buttons are not visible, but they are clickable.
  • In Firefox I couldn’t type a dash or other special characters in the terminal.
  • Terminal sometimes is not visible.

The code not updating is a real pain. Other things are minors. I hope that this could be fixed soon.


Codenvy is a very impressive tool, if we take into account that we are talking about a cloud browser base IDE. I don’t think that Codenvy is going to replace conventional IDE’s. Although it’s a great alternative to distribute your applications and give the chance for other developers to try them out with minimal effort. Again, here is the link for the JavaEE 7 with Angular application:

Check the related posts:

Java EE 7 with Angular JS – Part 1
Java EE 7 with Angular JS – CRUD, REST, Validations – Part 2

Java EE 7 with Angular JS – CRUD, REST, Validations – Part 2

posted by Roberto Cortez on

This is the promised follow up to the Java EE 7 with Angular JS – Part 1. It took longer than I expect (to find the time to prepare the code and blog post), but it’s finally here!

The Application

The original application in Part 1 it’s only a simple list with pagination and a REST service that feeds the list data.

Java EE 7 - Angular - List

In this post we’re going to add CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capabilities, bind REST services to perform these operations on the server side and validate the data.

The Setup

The Setup is the same from Part 1, but here is the list for reference:

The Code

Backend – Java EE 7

The backend does not required many changes. Since we want the ability to create, read, update and delete, we need to add the appropriate methods in the REST service to perform these operations:

The code is exactly as a normal Java POJO, but using the Java EE annotations to enhance the behaviour. @ApplicationPath("/resources") and @Path("persons") will expose the REST service at the url yourdomain/resources/persons (yourdomain will be the host where the application is running). @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) and @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) accept and format REST request and response as JSON.

For the REST operations:

Annotation / HTTP MethodJava MethodURLBehaviour
@GET / GETlistPersonshttp://yourdomain/resources/personsReturns a paginated list of 10 persons.
@GET / GETgetPersonhttp://yourdomain/resources/persons/{id}Returns a Person entity by it’s id.
@POST / POSTsavePersonhttp://yourdomain/resources/personsCreates or Updates a Person.
@DELETE / DELETEdeletePersonhttp://yourdomain/resources/persons/{id}Deletes a Person entity by it’s id.

The url invoked for each operations is very similar. The magic to distinguish which operation needs to be called is defined in the HTTP method itself when the request is submitted. Check HTTP Method definitions.

For getPerson and deletePerson note that we added the annotation @Path("{id}") which defines an optional path to call the service. Since we need to know which object we want to get or delete, we need to indicate the id somehow. This is done in the service url to be called, so if we want to delete the Person with id 1, we would call http://yourdomain/resources/persons/1 with the HTTP method DELETE.

That’s it for the backend stuff. Only 30 lines of code added to the old REST service. I have also added a new property to the Person object, to hold a link to image with the purpose of displaying an avatar of the person.

UI – Angular JS

For the UI part, I’ve decided to split it into 3 sections: the grid, the form and the feedback messages sections, each with its own Angular controller. The grid is mostly the same from Part 1, but it did require some tweaks for the new stuff:


Nothing special here. Pretty much the same as Part 1.

Grid Angular Controller

A few more attributes are required to configure the behaviour of the grid. The important bits are the data: 'persons.list' which binds the grid data to Angular model value $scope.persons, the columnDefs which allow us to model the grid as we see fit. Since I wanted to add an option to delete each row, I needed to add a new cell which call the function deleteRow when you click in cross icon. The afterSelectionChanges function is required to update the form data with the person selected in the grid. You can check other grid options here.

The rest of the code is self-explanatory and there is also a few comments in there. A special note about $rootScope.$broadcast: this is used to dispatch an event to all the other controllers. This is a way to communicate between controllers, since the grid, form and feedback messages have separate controllers. If everything was in only one controller, this was not required and a simple function call would be enough. Another possible solution if we want to keep the multiple controllers, would be to use Angular services. The used approach seems much cleaner since it separates the application concerns and does not require you to implement additional Angular services, but it might be a little harder to debug if needed.


Here is the looks:

JavaEE 7 - Angular - Form

A lot of codeis for validation purposes, but lets look into this a bit more in detail: each input element binds its value to person.something. This allows to model the data between the HTML and the Javascript controller, so we can write $ in our controller to get the value filled in the form input with name, name. To access the data inside the HTML form we use the form name personForm plus the name of the input field.

HTML5 have its own set of validations in the input fields, but we want to use the Angular ones. In that case, we need to disable form validations by using novalidate at the form element. Now, to use Angular validations, we can use a few Angular directives in the input elements. For this very basic form, we only use required, ng-minlength and ng-maxlength, but you can use others. Just look into the documentation.

Angular assigns CSS classes based on the input validation state. To have an idea, these are the possible values:

validng-validWhen the field is valid.
invalidng-invalidWhen the field is invalid.
pristineng-pristineWhen the field was never touched before.
dirtyng-dirtyWhen the field is changed.

These CSS classes are empty. You need to create them and assign them styles in an included CSS sheet for the application. Instead, we’re going to use styles from Bootstrap which are very nice. For them to work, a few additional classes need to be applied to the elements. The div element enclosing the input needs the CSS class form-group and the input element needs the CSS class form-control.

To display an invalid input field we add ng-class="{'has-error' :$invalid &&$dirty}" to the containing input div. This code evaluates if the name in the personForm is invalid and if it’s dirty. It the condition verifies, then the input is displayed as invalid.

Finally, for the form validation messages we need to verify the $error directive for each of the inputs and types of validations being performed. Just add ng-show="$error.minlength" to an HTML display element with a message to warn the user that the name input field is too short.

Form Angular Controller

For the form controller, we need the two functions that perform the operations associated with the button Clear and the button Save which are self-explanatory. A quick note: for some reason, Angular does not clear input fields which are in invalid state. I did found a few people complaining about the same problem, but I need to investigate this further. Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong.

REST services are called using save and delete from the $resource object which already implement the correspondent HTTP methods. Check the documentation. You can get a $resource with the following factory:

The rest of the controller code, are functions to pickup the events created by the grid to load the person data in the form and delete the person. This controller also create a few events. If we add or remove persons, the grid needs to be updated so an event is generated requesting the grid to be updated.

Feedback Messages HTML

This is just the top section of the application, to display success or error messages based on save, delete or server error.

Feedback Messages Angular Controller

This is the controller that push the messages to the view. Listens to the events created by the grid and the form controllers.

The End Result

Uff.. that was a lot of code and new information. Let’s see the final result:

JavaEE 7 - Angular - Full

There is also a live version running in, thanks to Cloudbees. It may take a while to open if the cloud instances is hibernated (because of no usage).
Unfortunately, Cloudbees stopped application hosting, but you can try using Codenvy in the following URL: Check the post: Codenvy setup to demo applications using Docker: Java EE 7 with Angular.


You can clone a full working copy from my github repository and deploy it to Wildfly. You can find instructions there to deploy it. Should also work on Glassfish.

Java EE – Angular JS Source

Since I may modify the code in the future, you can download the original source of this post from the release 3.0. In alternative, clone the repo and checkout the tag from release 3.0 with the following command: git checkout 3.0.

Check also:

Final Thoughts

  • The form validation kicks in right after you start typing. Angular 1.3 will have an on blur property to validate only after loosing focus, but I’m still using Angular 1.2.x.
  • I have to confess that I found the validation code a bit too verbose. I don’t know if there is a way to simplify it, but you shouldn’t need to add each message validation to each input.
  • A few things are still lacking here, like parameters sanitisation or server side validation. I’ll cover those in a next blog post.

This was a very long post, actually the longest I’ve wrote on my blog. If you reached this far, thank you so much for your time reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you have any comments.

Java EE 7 with Angular JS – Part 1

posted by Roberto Cortez on

Today’s post will show you how to build a very simple application using Java EE 7 and Angular JS. Before going there let me tell you a brief story:

I have to confess that I was never a big fan of Javascript, but I still remember the first time I have used it. I don’t remember the year exactly, but probably around mid 90’s. I had a page with 3 frames (yes frames! remember those? very popular around that time) and I wanted to reload 2 frames when I clicked a link on the 3rd frame. At the time, Javascript was used to do some fancy stuff on webpages, not every browser have Javascript support and some even required you to turn it on. Fast forwarding to today the landscaped changed dramatically. Javascript is a full development stack now and you can develop entire applications written only in Javascript. Unfortunately for me, sometimes I still think I’m back in the 90’s and don’t give enough credit to Javascript, so this is my attempt to get to know Javascript better.

Why Java EE 7?
Well, I like Java and the new Java EE version is pretty good. Less verbose and very fast using Wildfly or Glassfish. It provides you with a large set of specifications to suit your needs and it’s a standard in the Java world.

Why Angular JS?
I’m probably following the big hype around Angular here. Since I don’t have much experience with Javascript I don’t know the offers very well, so I’m just following advice of some friends and I have also noticed a big acceptance of Angular in the last Devoxx. Every room with an Angular talk was full, so I wanted to give it a try and found out for myself.

The Application

For the application, it’s a simple list with pagination and a REST service that feeds the list data. Every time I start a new enterprise project it’s usually the first thing we code: create a table, store some data and list some random data, so I think it’s appropriate.

The Setup

The Code (finally!)

Backend – Java EE 7

Starting with the backend, let’s define a very simple Entity class (some code is omitted for simplicity):

If you’re not familiar with Java EE JPA specification, this will allow to model an object class into a database table by using the annotation @Entity to connect to the database table with the same name and the annotation @Id to identify the table primary key.

Following by a persistence.xml:

Two of my favourite new features on Java EE 7: now you can run sql in a standard way by using the properties javax.persistence.schema-generation.* and it also binds you to a default datasource if you don’t provide one. So for this case, it’s going to use the internal Wildfly H2 database for our application.

Finally, to provide the list data we need to query the database and expose it as a REST service:

The code is exactly as a normal Java POJO, but using the Java EE annotations to enhance the behaviour. @ApplicationPath("/resources") and @Path("persons") will expose the REST service at the url yourdomain/resources/persons, @GET marks the logic to be called by the http GET method and @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) formats the REST response as JSON format. Pretty cool with only a few annotations.

To make it a little easier to exchange the needed information for the paginated list, I have also created the following wrapper class:

And we are done with the backend stuff.

UI – Angular JS

To display the data we are going to use Angular JS. Angular extends the traditional HTML with additional custom tag attributes to bind data represented in Javascript variables by following a MVC approach. So, lets look to our html page:

Apart from the Javascript and CSS declarations there is very little code in there. Very impressive. Angular also have a wide range of ready to use components, so I’m using the ng-grid to display the data and UI Bootstrap that provides a pagination component. The ng-grid also have a pagination component, but I liked the UI Bootstrap pagination component more.

There is something still missing. The Javascript file where everything happens:

The Javascript code is very clean and organised. Notice how everything gets added to an app controller, allowing you to have multiple separation of concerns on your business logic. To implement the required behaviour we just need to add a few functions to refresh the list by calling our REST service and monitor the grid data to refresh the view. This is the end result:

Java EE 7 - Angular - List

Next Steps:

For the following posts related with these series, I’m planning to:


You can clone a full working copy from my github repository and deploy it to Wildfly. You can find instructions there to deploy it. Should also work on Glassfish.

Java EE – Angular JS Source

In the meanwhile I have updated the original code with the post about Manage Javascript dependencies. Please, download the original source of this post from the release 1.0. You can also clone the repo, and checkout the tag from release 1.0 with the following command: git checkout 1.0.

I hope you enjoyed the post! Let me know if you have any comments about this.