Results for tag "tomitribe"

Thank you dear Tribe

posted by Roberto Cortez on

Today is my last day at Tomitribe. Technically it was 2 weeks ago, but also counting vacation time.

What can I say?

It has been a real pleasure working with Tomitribe for the last 4 years. Tomitribe gave me the chance to work into some really amazing things. Customers, Training, Product, Conferences, Open Source, Specifications and more. What a ride. I was never bored.

Technically it was a great challenge. I’ve learned a lot and had to implement things that you usually don’t bother when you are developing a regular application. We are used to writing our code and have something else run it. Well, sometimes I got to write code that makes applications run which is completely different. I feel that it pushed me into a new level that I probably wouldn’t be able to reach on my own.

Conferences were always a lot of fun. I’ve met a lot of people and I was really proud to represent the Tribe. I felt that the community cares a lot about the Tribe. It was stressful at some times to work everything out and have our sessions ready, but in the end, it always felt great!

Tomitribe is not a company. It is family. And moving was probably one of the hardest decisions I had to make in my life.

Tomitribe Team

So, I cannot say THANK YOU enough to everyone that I’ve worked together in the Tribe: David, Amelia, Bruno, Jean-Louis, Jon, Romain, Andy, Ryan, Theresa, Daniel, Ivan, Otavio, Cesar, Fisher, Richard, Rich, Thiago, João, and many others. I wish you all the best in the future!

In the next few days, I will be starting something new. I’m really excited about it. I’ll share some details in another post 🙂

Joining the Tribe

posted by Roberto Cortez on

TomitribeToday, I’m officially part of Tomitribe. I’m very excited to work with all the amazing tribers working hard to make TomEE a compelling Java EE server.

Some of my readers follow me because I work as a Freelancer and this move may confuse you. Let me assure you, that I’m not joining Tomitribe because I was unhappy with my Freelancer career. In fact, when I’ve started as a Freelancer a couple of year ago, I had no idea how things were going to turn out. Today, I can say that it was the right move. I had the chance to work on my own stuff, travel to conferences around the world, met a lot of different people and have fun in general.

In Tomitribe, I believe I will be able to do all the things that I love as a Freelancer and many more. Until now, I only developed or built applications that sit and run on a server. From now on, I have the chance to work on the server itself. Tomitribe is still a startup, a small one, but with incredible potential. After working for a few major corporations, I’m eager to help and grow something from the ground up. This was just an opportunity that I couldn’t refuse.

I have to say thank you to Decare Systems Ireland and Anthem for two wonderful years. They always understood my needs and gave me the freedom to explore my own things.

Moving forward, a big thanks to David and Amelia for believing in me and bringing me to Tomitribe. I hope I can full fill your expectations. Cheers!

Tomitribe Team

I’m sorry you are missing Andy, but I couldn’t find a better picture 🙁

Anyway, you can expect me to keep the blog running with awesome and independent content. Thank you for reading!