Results for tag "hazelcast"

Coimbra JUG Second Anniversary: Java Future and Hazelcast

posted by Roberto Cortez on

This December, the Coimbra JUG had it’s second birthday! To celebrate, we had two awesome meetings with well known international speakers: Heather VanCura and Christoph Engelbert. The attendance was great. We had around 40 persons on each event. Thank you to all attendees that showed up and even brought friends!

Participate in the Future of Java

The first event, held at Cervejaria Praxis Coimbra (a local brewery store), Heather spoke about the Future of Java and how individuals or corporations could participate in the JCP by providing a set of step-by-step instructions. We also discussed about the Adopt OpenJDK and Adopt-a-JSR programs. I was able to talk a little bit about my experience with the Adopt-a-JSR, but for Adopt OpenJDK I had to rely on my good friend Ivan Ivanov to talk about his experience in the Bulgarian JUG and Adopt OpenJDK.

Coimbra JUG Meeting 11

Here are the materials for the session:

Distributed Computing with Hazelcast

The second event, was also held at Cervejaria Praxis Coimbra. We had the pleasure to listen Christoph Engelbert talk about Hazelcast and Distributed Computing. Chris showed us ways to partition and parallelize the processing and analyzing of data with Hazelcast.

Coimbra JUG Meeting 12

Here are the materials for the session:


Both events had tremendous support both from local companies and international companies. We can’t thank them enough for all their cooperation: